1648 Second St, Henderson, Kentucky 42420, United States

(812) 477-8273

Welcome to Well Drip CBD


A Natural Way of Healing!


At Well Drip CBD, we believe in helping people. That’s why we take what nature provides and turn it into quality, scientifically tested products you can trust. If you’re looking for safe, hemp-derived CBD with 0% THC to improve your quality of life, look no further.

Whether it’s your first time trying CBD, or you’ve been using it to restore balance to your life for years, we’ve created something for you. Find out what millions of people around the world have already discovered—CBD can help you live a healthier, more balanced life.

About CBD


CBD (or cannabidiol) is one of dozens of compounds found in the hemp plant. Cannabinoids—and other beneficial terpenes that interact with our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS)—can be found in many plants we’re already familiar with, including echinacea, liverwort, and cacao.

CBD is naturally found in its highest concentrations in hemp plants. While it’s often associated with its psychoactive counterpart, THC, CBD can be separated from THC and is completely non-psychoactive. That means that people who use CBD for various ailments can safely do so without incurring the “high” correlated with marijuana.

Our team takes great pride in the thousands of people that have already experienced the power of  CBD and attest to the benefits it has brought their lives. We created Well Drip because we’ve also experienced the transformative power of CBD, which is why it’s our mission to share it with the rest of the world.

Why Vape CBD?


CBD vape juice is like any other e-liquid for your vape pen, but it has CBD in it, which is a marijuana-infused juice instead of a nicotine one. It can be used in both vape pens and e-cigarettes. It is also known as cannabis e-juice and considered one of the easiest and best ways to take CBD. The benefits of CBD juice are numerous, and it comes without the adverse psychoactive side effects that can accompany marijuana. It only delivers the healing properties of cannabinoids without THC.


Vaporized CBD juice has a wealth of benefits for both pain management and mental conditions like depression and mood disorders. Vaping is a preferred choice because it is one of the best and fastest ways to deliver CBD. Those who use it claim that it helps them to relax, it decreases their anxiety, and it helps to alleviate pain.


CBD is a compound that requires it to reach receptors in the body and brain called “cannabinoid receptors.” For it to reach the necessary receptors, it has to get into your bloodstream. If you ingest it, it has to go all the way through your digestive tract before it is absorbed and metabolized in the liver. When you use CBD juice, the compound is immediately released into the bloodstream by the lungs.


CBD vape juice can be used for many medicinal purposes. It is used to curb the side effects of many illnesses, like leukemia and other types of cancers. CBD also works to alleviate stress, joint pain, inflammation, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and anxiety. Although there is no recommended dosage, the good news is that you can use CBD vape juice as much as your body requires, and there is no such thing as “overdosing.” Since the THC is removed, psychoactive agents are not an issue.


Not all CBD juices are the same. When you choose one keep that in mind. You will want to pick a manufacturer who has had their quality tested by a third-party independent reviewer. Also, find a CBD vape juice that is made from organically grown hemp, and one that does not use chemicals in the extraction process. The effects of the product you purchase are going to be determined by the quality of CBD juice that you use.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact a member of our staff directly with any questions, comments, or scheduling inquiries you may have.

Well Drip CBD

1648 Second St, Henderson, Kentucky 42420, United States

(812) 477-8273

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